Friday, May 16, 2014 ray ban sunglasses wcbld

Pistons play is very clear, the impact of defensive ability inside of Smith and Petro weak, but decisive transition to the outside when the opportunity arises, but outside of firepower Pistons will open, hit rate is very high. Belts organizational ability to coordinate in this period of time sufficient to show in the eyes of everyone. And Miller and MarvAlbert also gave generous praise Zhou Yi, for these, Zhou Yi ignored. Farmar pass, Belts jump steals succeeded, as a long pass toward the other basket ponley are like Posey, Posey was not ray ban sunglasses as nice dunk sent him Michael Kors bags player, but like a layup understatement.

Nets here before Farmar assists Smith free throw line jumper,Michael Kors outlet, to be too Vera Nouadhibou jumper, after Petro grabbed offensive rebounds, handed the hands of Jordan Farmar, Farmar again sent assists, Smith still benefit after the latter received a pass from Jordan Farmar, dunk the top open Dalembert. Prior to the hit rate has been very high Belts ball, his teammates opened, it seems to continue to make Belts singles, and Zhou Yi also continue holding strong to break, and has attracted almost all of the Nets' defensive attention - cheap ray bans Stephen Glasgow Beckham ready to defend high-speed breakthrough Belts, ignoring the side of the sniper James Posey, after which the screen is a classic repeat : Belts seen in the space of Posey, the ball came out, Posey leash, hit the third.

MarvAlbert sincerely said. Miller nodded and replied. And Posey this goal directly forced Nets coach Johnson shouted pause,Michael Kors handbags, but after this pause estimated teams coach will put the main players. Pause time soon end, both teams really put almost all starters. However, Zhou Yi still remain in the field, and Bynum together from backcourt mate Pistons. Belts walked excitedly toward the pace of the field, McGrady walking beside her, a little nervous to see Belts, Belts then patted the shoulder, smiled and said : mulberry handbags Dude, take it easy !

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