Saturday, May 17, 2014 coach factory iclfb

Ball to Sean - Shane Battier 's hands, leaving only six seconds shot clock. Rocket attack time seeing much, Sean - Shane Battier after the ball, the ball decisively into the inside cha, Andre - Andre Iguodala immediately approached personal defense, using his relatively slender arm, firmly blocked Sean - Shane Battier cut direction. Shane - Shane Battier firmer foundation, there is a threat from beyond the arc, stable xìng cast is very good, but cheap nike air max definitely a typical overall combat players, holding time is very short, less than a chance to attack immediately if you find put the ball to a teammate jiao, Andre - Andre Iguodala know if he did not give nike air max 1 shots, coming nike air max 1 hands the ball to a teammate, his task to achieve, you know with over twenty four seconds bī near the heart of any one of his teammates the ball is very difficult to calm fear, in a short time, the ball must be cast out, even if there is a good chance that probably will not pay attention, so hit imagined circumstances.

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